Will Benzel

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Will Benzel is an actor based in Fort Worth, Texas. He earned his BA in Theatre Arts with an emphasis in performance from the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma. He has received additional training at The Stella Adler Studio of Acting in New York City and The Actor Factory in Norman, Oklahoma; among training from many other industry professionals.

Will has participated in numerous projects around Oklahoma and Texas covering the mediums of film, theatre, voice-over and modelling.




Film                                                                  Theatre                                                     

Forty Ounces to Freedom - Supporting Lead - dir. Ryan Green              Uncle Vanya - Vanya - USAO Theatre Arts

Lost Travellers - Lead - dir. Cray McDaniel                                               Biloxi Blues - Arnold - 17th St. Players

Lost Dog - Supporting - dir. Ryan Hylton                                                  Mankind - Mankind - USAO Theatre Arts         

Red Mesa - Supporting - Actor Factory                                                   A Midsummer Night's Dream - Lysander - 17th Street Players

Over the Line - Principle - 2 Chicks' Flicks                                                The Toy Cart - Vardhamanaka - USAO Theatre Arts

Te Ata - Featured Extra - Chickasaw Nation                                            Guys and Dolls - Lt. Brannigan - USAO Theatre Arts

Rudderless - Extra - Unified Pictures                                                        Peter Pan - Nana, Crocodile - Midland Community Theatre

Starbright - Extra - Ingenious Media                                                        Julius Caesar - Claudio - USAO Theatre Arts

 Jules of Light and Dark - Extra - Hungry Bear Productions                   A Shot in the Dark - Various - Heine Site Productions

                                                                                                                     A Comedy of Errors - Courtezan - BA Community Playhouse



Voice-Over (Character)                                  Voice-Over (Commercial)

 Soul Hunters - Optos, All Seeing Eye - Lilith Games                                          Mooch

Kaori After Story - Mr. Itami - PixelFade Studio

Night/Shade - Mishka - Thrill Switch Games

Midnight Wave - Zantetsu - Walthall Studios

Horizon Bound: Legacy - Asher - Story Sight Studio

Meister High - Cross - Story Sight Studio

Through the Panels - Dick Liu - Stardust Soda

Tailor Tales - Varitus - Celianna

Hostile Regulation: Lost District - John Martin - dir. Spencer Eldridge             

Quintessence - Alterik Zebulon - Ink Blossom Productions

Astral Ascension - Various - PixelFade Studio


BA in Theatre Arts (Performance Emphasis) - Various Instructors - University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma

Stella Adler Summer Conservatory - Various Instructors - Stella Adler Studio of Acting (NYC)

Acting for Camera - Darryl Cox - The Actor Factory

Auditioning for Film and Television - Chris Freihofer, C.S.A. - The Actor Factory

Auditioning Intensive - Sarah Clark C.S.A. - Workshop/The Actor Factory

Scene Study Masterclass - Ricki Maslar C.S.A. - Workshop/The Actor Factory

Online Voice Acting Workshop - Crispin Freeman - Internet Workshop

Connecting to Your Real Voice Workshop - J. Michael Tatum - That’s So VO (Internet Workshop)

Playing at the Edge of Ability Workshop - J. Michael Tatum - That’s So VO (Internet Workshop)

Voice-Over Class - Jamie Marchi - The Actor Factory

Voice Acting for Anime - Eliza Jane, Crispin Freeman, Xanthe Huynh - Webinar

“The Webinarr” with Phil LaMarr - Phil LaMarr, Eliza Jane - Webinar

Online Voice Acting Masterclass - Chuck Huber - Internet Workshop

Advanced Voice Acting Bootcamp - Rachael Messer - Internet Workshop

Voice Acting Bootcamp - Rachael Messer - Internet Workshop

ADR and Dubbing Workshop - Kira Buckland, Daman Mills - Internet Workshop

RPG Voiceover Workshop - Kira Buckland - Internet Workshop

Breaking into Video Games (Voice acting) - Rachael Messer - Internet Workshop

Booking Commercials - Rachael Messer - Internet Workshop

Acting Workshop - Chuck Huber - Cox Business Center

Cold Reading Workout - Kira Buckland - Internet Workshop

Voiceover Coaching - Dave Bisson - Remote Coaching Sessions

Acting Workshop - Timothy Mooney - Workshop/USAO

Specifics in Voiceover - Erica Lindbeck - Cox Business Center

Accents and Dialects - Rachael Messer - Internet Workshop

Broadsword Training - Erick Wolfe - Workshop/USAO

Miming and Chaplin - Dan Kamin - Workshop/USAO

Introduction to Voiceover - Brian Thon - Workshop

Actors Resources - Rachael Messer - Workshop

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Currently Unrepresented - Seeking Representation in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area;
Coverage for Remote Opportunities in Other Regions


180 lbs

Hair Color

Eye Color
Greyish Blue


